Online Writers Immersion Weekend

22nd & 23rd June

Learn everything you need to know to craft your own spiritual masterpiece, and commence your self-publishing journey!
Register here
 Do you have a desire to write and publish your own work?

Having published more than 25 books and associated products now, I'm familiar with all the blocks that get in the way of turning your desire into a reality.

For example, I see so many budding authors stuck at the starting line, because they don't know how to activate the written word, in a way that will entice the reader to keep turning the pages.

These common (and dissolvable) blocks prevents them from even writing their first word!

If you know you have something important to say through a published book or product, and you haven't made a start - or you have but you're dealing with "writers block" - Iet me help you.

My highest intention for you:

By the end of this Online Writers Immersion Weekend, you'll be clear on what you're writing/creating, and you'll know how to move forward with your spiritual masterpiece - to completion. 

Big love,

Join the growing number of successful authors who have been guided to self-publish, using the same creative, fun and flowing processes taught by Melanie during this two-day online program ...

“It has been a true privilege to work with Melanie Spears as my mentor in self publishing my Plant Positive Journal. I cannot imagine birthing this project without Mel’s support, expertise and guidance!
Mel has been incredibly generous in sharing her process and her connections. She has also been kind, patient and understanding as we stepped through the entire process. I am very grateful and would absolutely recommend Mel as a wise, valuable and proven mentor."
Kate Galli
Author, Plant Positive Journal

The Online Writers Retreat Weekend aligns with a full moon that's all about peak energy, blessings & blossoms

Getting started is the biggest step you can take - let's take it while we have this astrological support! 

Arm yourself with all the tools you need to write your book/create your product.  

. The outcome of this Writers Immersion Weekend is to get clear on what you're writing/creating AND you'll know how to move forward with your spiritual masterpiece - to completion.

 The Weekend Program: 

Saturday 22nd June and Sunday 23rd June
10am - 4pm AEST daily
All online sessions are recorded, and you'll have lifetime access!

Day One

Activating the Writer Within You

  • Share your dreaming 
  • Whats your mission?
  • Will it sell?

Day 2

Grounding the Principles of Your Book

  • What's your message? 
  • Refining your book idea & key message
  • Writing with Intention

 Plus you'll also receive Melanie's brand new, yet-to-be released online workbook for creating your spiritual masterpiece

This beautiful fillable-workbook will guide you through the WHAT, WHY, MISSION, TITLE, CHAPTERS, DESIGN and more, so you can begin structuring your book/product.


Meet Melanie Spears

Your Book Writing and Publishing Mentor
  • 16 x Author (annual Gratitude Diary) reaching approximately 17K people annually across 7 x countries
  • Experienced Publisher of Children's books, Journals, Health Diaries, Self help workbooks, Divination Cards and Box sets, Greeting cards, Calendars and Novels.
  • Distribution channels in Australia, NZ, UK, USA,  Canada, Bali, and Europe


Writers Immersion Weekend



  • Two days of high-level, book/product creation guidance to get you going and flowing with your completed masterpiece
  • Receive Melanie's yet-to-be-released online workbook to use throughout the weekend and beyond
  • Time for your individual questions to Melanie throughout the online weekend, to help you move through any blocks about getting in-flow with your book/product
"Melanie helped clarify what felt true for me to write about...instead of what I thought I should write  about. From inception to completion, my book was such a joyful process. Under Melanie's guidance My little book of Big Intentions  was the most in-flow project I've ever completed. As a result, the book seems to continue to flow into the hands of others all around the world...I've now sold more than 4,500 books/box sets within the first twelve months of self-publishing. Big gratitude to you Melanie!"

Erin Lee
Author of The Little Book of Big Intentions & the Big Intentions Box Set

Writing your own book is one of the best things you can do for your own personal, spiritual and business evolvement

I'm Ready